Parents’ Page
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Holy Trinity Rosehill Church of England School Parents’ Page. Your child has the right to be happy, safe and inspired, which will help them to develop academically, emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, by working together, parents and teachers can ensure that your children are provided with an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.
Thank you for your continued support
Friends of Holy Trinity Rosehill
As parents, you are automatically members of Friends of Holy Trinity Rosehill and are cordially invited to attend the meetings and functions which are planned each year. You will be notified of any up and coming events via letters, text and our Facebook page. The aims of the Association are to:
- Foster the sense of community among parents.
- Raise money for the Support Fund through which all the children benefit.
- Strengthen the links between the children of the school as well as their parents.
Our Latest SIAMs and Ofsted Reports
Please click the links below to view our inspection reports:
SIAMs letter to parents FEB 18
HTR OFSTED outcome parents / carers letter MAR 18
Latest Ofsted Report – 20th Feb 2018
Please find links to our current newsletters:
Y2 class newsletter Spring 2018
Year 5 Newsletter
School Calendar
To find out what your child is covering in school this term,
please click on their year group link:
Early Years
Year 2
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6