After School Activities
Each half-term we offer a range of different and exciting after-school activities that the children can take part in.
KS1 Cooking Club
KS1 Outdoor Adventures
During our session we enjoy taking part in exciting outdoor activities. We appreciate what we have around us and explore our surroundings. We even made our won clay faces and decorated them with natural resources.
KS2 Art Club
In Art club, we draw, design, paint, chat, laugh and relax! We had the opportunity to visit the Preston Museum recently to look at costumes and different forms of art. This was great fun and gave us lots of ideas for our own mask/ hat designs.
KS2 History Detectives
We love exploring the past. We learnt all about the different Kings and Queens of Britain and ordered them in chronological order. We also listened to a very catchy song to help us remember. We really enjoyed learning more about the Ancient Egyptians and the Victorians. We always worked together to investigate more.