Making our Curriculum Accessible for All

Please find below information which outlines how we comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 about making our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.

We welcome all pupils and their families, supporting all children whatever their needs, individual circumstances, race or religion.  (Equality Act 2010)                                                                                                                                                         

Our school mission statement indicates that Holy Trinity Rosehill CofE Primary School:                                 

Give high priority to the spiritual development of pupils enabling them to develop attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility and to realise their full potential”.

This statement reflects our aim to educate all children by providing relevant experiences, to enable them to flourish, whatever their needs.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs share the right to a broad and balanced curriculum.”

At Holy Trinity Rosehill Cof E Primary School we aim to help all children to benefit as fully as possible from their education.  Children work mainly within their own class group, receiving a high level of first quality teaching, participating in intervention groups and accessing 1:1 support where appropriate. Arrangements are made for pupils who have medical conditions so that they can access all areas of the curriculum through individual support, adaptations or modifications to all school based activities.  Children will have an EHCP which will specify the type and level of support required to meet the medical needs of such pupils.  (SEND Information Report and SEND Policy)