The delivery of RSHE at Holy Trinity Rosehill CofE Primary follows the requirements of the statutory government framework, whilst being tailored to the needs and interests of our children, using our locality to enrich opportunities and experiences for all.
We recognise that RSHE play an integral part in helping our children be part of our school community, and so we provide opportunities for all individuals to develop healthy respectful friendships, personality attributes including kindness, integrity, generosity and honesty, whether online, in class, through whole school collective worship or through celebration with each other and our families. At Holy Trinity Rosehill Cof E Primary, we bring in expert speakers about RSHE issues to ensure our children are well informed. Our democratically elected Student Council represent the views of our pupils, enabling their voices to be heard.
Lessons are planned and sequenced to allow all children to make progress building on previous knowledge and skills. High quality experiences are carefully mapped out across school in order to offer our children the best possible future life chances and high aspirations regardless of their background or needs. By the end of their Primary education, our RSHE curriculum aims to equip our children with the confidence, understanding and ability to:
- Understand that not all families look the same, but all families are important for children growing up as they can give love, security and stability.
- Know about caring friendships and what makes a healthy friendship.
- Know the importance of respecting others, even when they appear to be very different from ourselves
- Understand that the same principles apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships and to know the rules and principles for keeping safe online, how to recognise risks, harmful content and contact, and how to report them.
- Understand appropriate boundaries and know where to get advice for themselves or for others.
How do we let our light shine in RHSE?
In RSHE, children let their light shine by growing in confidence as they build friendships. Children learn to embrace differences, both their own and those of others, in order to let their lights shine and be their true authentic self.
Children are encouraged to show their talents in all areas of the RSHE curriculum, whether this be solving relationship problems, identifying how to stay safe online or helping others with basic first aid skills.
How do we live out our School Values through RSHE?
You get to learn no one can stop you doing your own thing and following your dreams.
We let our light shine by using what you’ve learnt for YOU to be a good friend and to surround yourself with good people so they’ll rub off on you.
We talk about charities and stuff so we know how to help others.