• We aim to help children develop a love for the English language through spoken and written word.
  • We strive for children to value the knowledge of English as a lifelong skill.
  • We recognise that English is a core subject within the National Curriculum and a pre-requisite for educational and social progress.
  • Mastery over language empowers children to communicate creatively and imaginatively, as well as allowing them to engage with the world at large.
  • We view the acquisition of language skills to be of the utmost importance and so the teaching of all aspects of English is given a high priority.
  • We recognise the importance of language in the social, emotional and intellectual development of children.
  • We aim to develop pupils’ abilities within an integrated programme of spoken language, reading and writing striving for accelerated personal progress for all.
  • Pupils will be given opportunities to interrelate the requirements of English within a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Opportunities are given to consolidate and practise ‘taught’ English knowledge in cross curricular activities.
  • We aim for children to explore a wide range of genres both in the written and verbal form and magpie from these to create meaningful, purposeful work of their own.
  • The aim is for past knowledge to be revisited and consolidated to maximise progress for all.
  • The aim is for children to know more and remember more.

How do we let our light shine in English?

We let our light shine in English by finding pleasure in reading a range of texts which excite you and challenge you. Use what you read to help you with ideas for writing to entertain, persuade, inform and discuss. Use cursive handwriting to make sure your work can be read easily and to help you write for longer periods. Communicate your ideas orally and through written work so you can be understood and understand more. Actively listen to others and respond to show you understand rather than just to respond.

How do we live out our School Values through English?


We explore friendship through our character discussions.  We talk about how friends support one another and look for this in texts.  We discuss the value of friendship through the characters we encounter and how we can mirror this in our own lives.  We make links with how Jesus wanted Christians to treat each other.

We support each other in our reading and writing as we know that’s what friends do for one another.

We explore compassion through the texts we study and the story lines within them.  We discuss compassion for the characters we meet and how they show compassion to each other.  We discuss this impact showing compassion makes to characters lives and what outcomes could have been without this important value. 

We show compassion to each other in our reading and writing by supporting each other with helpful feedback and ideas.  We listen to each other and work collaboratively when necessary.

We highlight times when characters show endurance and how this has benefitted them.  We look out how challenges have impacted on people’s lives and how they have expressed this through their writing.

We relate this to our own lives and reflect on times when we find things ‘tricky’ in English.  We encourage each other to endure in order to succeed when we find things hard, and we know that we will learn from it.

We give thanks for all the wonderful quality texts there are out there to enjoy.  We show thankfulness to each other when we share a recommendation for a book, when we meet authors and hear about their craft and when we take part in visits to libraries, book shops and author events.

We discuss instances when characters have shown thankfulness to each other and how important it is to be thankful.

We explore the value of forgiveness through characters lives and reflect this onto our own.  We know that Jesus wanted Christians to show forgiveness and that this can be challenging, but we understand the rewards this brings.

We discuss times when we have shown forgiveness, when we have been forgiven and what this feels like.  We use this to support our writing.

Our English Curriculum

Coming soon!

I love learning about words and blending.


As a writer, I need to make sure my reader is entertained!

Year 6

I love reading in the reading corner.  It makes me feel happy.

Year 5