Head Teacher’s Message


“Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16


Welcome to the web site of Holy Trinity Rosehill Church of England VA School where it is my privilege to be Head Teacher. Within the context of Christian belief and practice, our school embraces Christian values which underpin all the work we do. These values have an impact on children in our school as they develop and in doing so help our children consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities from which they are part and the wider world.

Visitors to school often comment on our “warm and welcoming” environment and it is this quality which ensures children feel safe and supported. Every time I visit a classroom or spend time with the children I am welcomed by a sea of smiling faces, each keen to learn and immensely proud of their school.

As a staff team we try to make the decisions that parents and carers would make for their own children if they could. We work tirelessly to ensure each child enjoys their education and is able to achieve the best they can, both academically and in terms of their personal, social and spiritual development.

Our greatest success is seen in the kindness, dedication and efforts of our children, staff, parents, carers and governors. As a school we value working in partnership with parents, carers and family members in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. We strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child makes the best possible progress and by working together with parents, carers and family members we can make our school the best it can possibly be.

Please take some time to look at our website and get a flavour of Holy Trinity Rosehill Church of England VA School. It is always a delight to welcome prospective parents, carers and family members and should you wish to arrange a visit, please contact the Main School Office.


Andrea Swift

Head Teacher