Special Educational Needs
Click to view the Stockton Local Authority Local Offer:
Reviewed: December 2017
Holy Trinity Rosehill V.A. C.E. Primary school is an inclusive school, promoting a sense of community and belonging through its:
- Inclusive ethos
- Broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils
- Systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation.
- High expectations and challenging targets for all children.
We welcome all pupils and their families, supporting all children whatever their needs and individual circumstances.
Our school mission statement indicates that Holy Trinity Rosehill VA CE Primary School:
“Give high priority to the spiritual development of pupils enabling them to develop attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility and to realise their full potential”.
This statement reflects our aim to educate all children by providing relevant experiences, to enable them to reach their full potential, whatever their needs.
“All pupils, including those with special educational needs share the right to a broad and balanced curriculum.”
At Holy Trinity Rosehill VA CE. Primary School we aim to help all children to benefit as fully as possible from their education. Children work mainly within their own class group, receiving a high level of first quality teaching, participating in intervention groups and accessing 1:1 support where appropriate.
Arrangements are made for pupils who have medical conditions so that they can access all areas of the curriculum through individual support, adaptations or modifications to all school based activities. Children will have a healthcare plan which will
specify the type and level of support required to meet the medical needs of such pupils.
This section is about the additional support our school offers children with SEND.
At Holy Trinity Rosehill VA CE Primary School all pupils receive first quality teaching from their class teacher, which may be supported by a teaching assistant. Teachers have high aspirations of all the children in their care, providing a range of teaching and learning styles to aid each individual to reach their full potential. Work is differentiated, either by task or outcome, and resources adapted to address the needs of all pupils. In some cases the curriculum will be adapted to ensure all pupils are learning and their needs and requirements are being met. There is access to I.C.T. equipment (Computer programs, laptops, I-pads, spell checkers etc) to help children access the curriculum fully. Children who are identified as having SEND may work within small groups, in or out of the classroom, supported by the class teacher and/or a teaching assistant.
Arrangements for accessing tests are made in accordance with the Standards and Testing Agency. This may include; additional time, a reader, a scribe or tests papers needing to be enlarged or modified.
All children are welcome and encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities provided by our school.
Expertise of Staff
The school, led by The Governing Body, work with a wide range of professionals. To ensure all staff have the opportunity to develop a range of expertise and skills relating to supporting children with SEN. Staff attend training courses relating to the needs of our children, visitors from different organisations offer training within school and school staff disseminate information from courses attended to all staff. These include:
- Supporting children with literacy and numeracy difficulties.
- Team teach.
- Attachment disorders.
- Training on teaching children with hearing/visual impairments.
- CAMHS – ASD, sensory processing, ADHD.
- Supporting children with EAL.
- Medical issues including; epi-pen training, diabetic training.
- TAMHS – counseling service.
- Speech and language service.
- Writing of social stories.
- Supporting LAC.
How the governing body involves other bodies including Health, Social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations in meeting the needs of SEN pupils
Where a child is not making appropriate progress and we feel we need advice from external agencies, we will discuss such a need with parents/carers. If we feel this is the next appropriate action, we will make a referral to an external professional agency or professionals for an assessment, support or advice. Following a referral, we will work with the child using the advice and support obtained. We make referrals to a number of professionals, such as; Educational Psychology Service, One Point Referrals, Speech and Language Service, CAMHS, Alliance, Hearing Impaired Service, Visual Impaired Service, Specialist teachers for undertaking literacy and numeracy assessments, health services, including the school nurse, Occupational Therapy Service and Social Care and Attendance. Our school ensures these links are maintained so that all relevant information is considered when making provision for all our children with SEND.
The SENCO/designated teacher for LAC attends training sessions and update sessions termly.
Specialist support can be secured in a number of ways. In the first instance, the class teacher or parent may raise a concern about the needs of a pupil, which in most cases can be supported within school through working with or seeking advice from a member of staff who possesses the expertise in the specific area. In some cases, the SENCO or Head Teacher may need to make a referral to a specialised service in order to receive support or further guidance on how a pupil’s needs may be met. This could be a One-Point referral to the authority for High Needs Funding, the hearing impaired service, TAMHS or CAMHS. Opportunities for all staff to receive training on any SEN issues is on-going and relevant to the school’s current needs.
The SENCO is allocated a budget for supporting children with SEN each financial year. Resources are purchased to support the needs of the pupils depending on their needs. If a specific resource is recommended by an external agency, such as maths apparatus, coloured reading overlays, a writing slope or specialised books, the equipment will be purchased with the funding available. If the funding is not available within school because the recommendation is for a larger piece of equipment, such as a laptop, an application for High Needs funding will be made.
Holy Trinity Rosehill VA CE Primary School seeks to ensure a smooth transition from one phase of education to another. Transition between phases within school takes place throughout the second half of the summer term. There is a transition morning where all pupils move to their next class teacher, in the classroom they will be working in during the next academic year. Children with SEN will have opportunity to spend additional time with the new teacher, visits will be organised between staff. Children transferring from KS1 to KS2 will have the opportunity to visit the Trinity site and familiarise themselves with their new classroom as well as with the layout. All children receive a leaflet about their new class containing information about the curriculum in the new year group. In addition, children who need extra support with transition will help to compile a booklet, with the help of staff, containing photographs of staff and areas within school to take home over the summer to help relieve any anxieties.
The Y6 teachers and SENCO meet with staff from all feeder secondary schools during the summer term to pass on records and ensure the transition of all pupils is as smooth as possible. If deemed necessary, visits, in addition to the planned transition days are arranged to meet the needs of all pupils. The Moving On document is completed for pupils who are transferring to another school. At the end of the summer term the final APDR meeting takes place between the current class teacher, the next class teacher and the parents to ensure all information has been passed on to ensure the continuation into the next class.
SENCO – Mrs Helen Green – 01642 581239
Acting Head Teacher- Mrs Julie Tomlinson – 01642 581239
The SEN and Engagement Team – 01642 527145 or 528739
The Educational Psychology Service – 01642 527110/11
Hearing Impaired Service – 01642 354354
Visually Impaired Service – 01642 354354
CAMHS – 01642 368400
Early Help Assessment Team – 01642 526526
Speech and Language Team – 01429 522717
Arrangements for Complaint
It is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. The parent /carer of the child with special educational needs should initially raise any concern regarding the support provided by school directly with the class teacher. If the complainant is not satisfied with the response from the class teacher they should contact the Special Needs Co-ordinator to arrange a meeting with all persons involved with the support of the child. (Please refer to the school’s Complaints Policy and Procedures)
- Identification of children with special educational needs and/difficulties
- Parent concerns
- Intervention
- Involvement of pupils
Click here to access further information about the assessment process.
- Teaching and supporting children with special educational needs and/or difficulties
- Sharing of information with school staff, external agencies and parents
- Facilities and extra-curricular activities
- Transition
Click here to access further information about the planning process.
Click the links below to find out further information about the different areas of SEND:
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Sensory and Physical Needs
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
- Delivery of school provision
- The role of teachers
- Adults working with your child
- External services and agencies
- Parental involvement
Click here to access further information about the doing process.
- Communication with parents
- Assessing and evaluating pupil’s provision
- SEN policy
- LA Local offer
- Further information
Click here to access further information about the review process.