
We have specific admissions policies for both nursery and school admission policies. These policies can be accessed using the links below:


To apply for a nursery place, parents must contact Mrs Rogers in the school office on 01642 581239. Parents will need to provide photographic I.D. and a copy of their council tax bill when they register for a nursery place. Parents can register their child after their second birthday.

To apply for a reception place, parents will receive information from the local authority for applying either online or via a paper form.


We use the Stockton LA timeline for appeals – the timeline can be found here

Further information relating to admissions and transfers is available on the Stockton Borough Council website.


Applying for school places during an academic year

An in year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school not during the formal transition times (e.g. going into Reception for the first time, moving from a primary school to a secondary school). This is usually because the child is moving to a different address or is new to the country but it can for other reasons as well. These moves usually take place during the academic year which is why they are referred to as “in-year” admissions.

Please see for further information

We have specific admissions policies for both nursery and school admission policies. These policies can be accessed using the links below:


To apply for a nursery place, parents must contact Mrs Rogers in the school office on 01642 581239. Parents will need to provide photographic I.D. and a copy of their council tax bill when they register for a nursery place. Parents can register their child after their second birthday.

To apply for a reception place, parents will receive information from the local authority for applying either online or via a paper form.


We use the Stockton LA timeline for appeals – the timeline can be found here

Further information relating to admissions and transfers is available on the Stockton Borough Council website.


Applying for school places during an academic year

An in year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school not during the formal transition times (e.g. going into Reception for the first time, moving from a primary school to a secondary school). This is usually because the child is moving to a different address or is new to the country but it can for other reasons as well. These moves usually take place during the academic year which is why they are referred to as “in-year” admissions.

Please see for further information